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Passport Application Steps

How To Apply

How To Apply For Standard Passport.

Fresh (First) Passport Application

  1. Complete passport application form online, make payment and obtain Application ID and Reference Number. (Click here for payment instructions).
  2. Print out Guarantor’s form (using Application ID and Reference number) to be signed by a guarantor and commissioner of oath in a competent court (click here for guarantor’s requirement and form download)
  3. Submit completed passport application form with other requirements in person at passport office selected during online payment process for further processing.

Note: Applicants are required to appear at chosen Immigration Office for photograph and biometric data capturing.


  • Complete passport application online, make payment and obtain Application ID and Reference. (Click here for payment instructions).
  • Submit application letter with other requirements in person at the passport office chosen during online application.
  • Nigerians in the Diaspora are to submit application at the nearest Nigeria Embassy/High Commission or Consulate.

Note: Applicants are required to appear at chosen Immigration Office for photograph and biometric data capturing if current passport is more than six (6) months old.


  • Complete passport application online, make payment and obtain Application ID and Reference. (Click here for payment instructions).
  • Submit application letter with other requirements in person at the passport office chosen during online application.
  • Nigerians in the Diaspora are to submit application at the nearest Nigeria Embassy/High Commission or Consulate.

Note: Applicants are required to appear at chosen Immigration Office for photograph and biometric data capturing if current passport is more than six (6) months old.


  • Complete passport application online, make payment and obtain Application ID and Reference. (Click here for payment instructions).
  • Submit application letter with other requirements in person at the passport office chosen during online application.
  • Nigerians in the Diaspora are to submit application at the nearest Nigeria Embassy/High Commission or Consulate.

Note: Applicants are required to appear at chosen Immigration Office for photograph and biometric data capturing if current passport is more than six (6) months old.


  • Complete passport application online, make payment and obtain Application ID and Reference. (Click here for payment instructions).
  • Submit application letter with other requirements in person at the passport office chosen during online application.
  • Nigerians in the Diaspora are to submit application at the nearest Nigeria Embassy/High Commission or Consulate.

Note: Applicants are required to appear at chosen Immigration Office for photograph and biometric data capturing if current passport is more than six (6) months old.


  • Complete passport application online, make payment and obtain Application ID and Reference. (Click here for payment instructions).
  • Submit application letter with other requirements in person at the passport office chosen during online application.
  • Nigerians in the Diaspora are to submit application at the nearest Nigeria Embassy/High Commission or Consulate.

Note: Applicants are required to appear at chosen Immigration Office for photograph and biometric data capturing if current passport is more than six (6) months old.


  • Complete passport application online and pay non refundable administrative charge. (1 alphabet correction and re-arrangement of names attracts no administrative charge).
  • Submit application letter with other requirements in person at the passport office chosen during online application.
  • Nigerians in the Diaspora are to submit application at the nearest Nigeria Embassy/High Commission or Consulate.
  • After approval, proceed to pay online for passport booklet (click here to proceed to online payment).

Note: Applicants are required to appear at chosen Immigration Office for photograph and biometric data capturing if current passport is more than six (6) months old.


This includes Replacement of name(s), Addition of name(s), Deletion of name(s), Rearrangement of name(s).

  • Complete passport application online and pay non refundable administrative charge. (1 alphabet correction and re-arrangement of names attracts no administrative charge).
  • Submit application letter with other requirements in person at the Nigeria Immigration Service Headquarters, Abuja for further processing.
  • Nigerians in the Diaspora are to submit application at the nearest Nigeria Embassy/High Commission or Consulate.
  • After approval, proceed to pay online for passport booklet (click here to proceed to online payment).

Note: Applicants are required to appear at chosen Immigration Office for photograph and biometric data capturing if current passport is more than six (6) months old.

Passport Application Requirement

Read Requirements


Adult (18 years and above)

  • Letter of identification from Local Government/State of origin or residence or National Identity Card OR Letter of introduction for employees of government as a Nigerian citizen stating Service Number, Length of Service and Designation/Rank. The letter must be accompanied with a valid staff identity card.
  • Completed passport application form and 2 passport sized photographs (passport photographs endorsed at the back by the Guarantor).
  • Marriage certificate, where applicable.
  • Birth Certificate (certificate issued by the National Population Commission shall be required from applicants whose date of birth is with effect from Dec 1992) or Age Declaration attached with one passport-sized photograph and duly endorsed by a Commissioner for Oaths.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and Evidence of Payment.

Minor (under 18 years of age)

  • Completed passport application form attached with 1 passport sized photograph of minor to be endorsed on the reverse side by the consenting parent(s).
  • Evidence of Nigerian citizenship of parent(s).
  • Birth certificate (certificate must be issued by the National Population Commission for minors born within Nigeria).
  • Letter of consent from either parent.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and Evidence of Payment.

Court Order and Letter of approval from State Ministry of Women and Child Development (This Requirement is strictly for adopted child).


  • Certificate of Naturalization duly issued by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
  • Completed passport application form.
  • Marriage certificate where applicable.
  • Birth Certificate or data page of previous passport as evidence of age.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and evidence of payment.


  • Certificate of Registration duly issued by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
  • Completed passport application form and 2 passport sized photographs (passport photographs endorsed at the back by the Guarantor).
  • Completed Guarantors’ form duly signed by a Commissioner for Oaths attached with Photocopy of Data page of Guarantor’s Nigerian ePassport and one passport sized photograph of the Guarantor.
  • Marriage certificate where applicable.
  • Birth Certificate or data page of previous passport as evidence of age.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and evidence of payment.


Expired Validity

  • Application Letter.
  • Passport Booklet.
  • Photocopy of Data Page of Passport.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and Evidence of Payment.

Unexpired Validity

  • Application Letter.
  • Passport Booklet.
  • Evidence of Maiden Name.
  • If Validity is more than Six (6) Months, Applicant should state reason(s).
  • Photocopy of Data Page of Passport.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and Evidence of Payment.


  • Application Letter.
  • Passport Booklet.
  • Photocopies of Data Page.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and evidence of payment.


  • Application Letter stating circumstances of Damage.
  • Damaged Passport Booklet.
  • Photocopies of Data Page.
  • Sworn Affidavit from a Magistrate or High Court of damaged passport deposed to by applicant.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and evidence of payment.


  • Application Letter stating circumstances/place of loss.
  • Extract of Police Report of Lost Passport.
  • In case of loss due to fire outbreak, Fire Service Report is mandatory.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and evidence of payment.

*NB: Where a passport was declared lost and reissued, if recovered, the holder shall immediately notify the Nigeria Immigration Service of recovery and submit the passport for cancellation.



  • Application Letter.
  • Copy of Marriage Certificate or Declaration of Marriage.
  • Sworn Affidavit from a Magistrate or High Court of Change of Name deposed to by Applicant.
  • Copy of Newspaper Publication of Change of Name (21 days after publication).
  • Statutory evidence of change of name (if resident outside Nigeria in lieu of iii and iv).
  • Passport Booklet and Copy of Data Page of Passport.
  • Acknowledgement Slip & Evidence of Payment.


  • Application Letter.
  • Decree Nisi and Decree Absolute or Declaration of Divorce.
  • Evidence of Maiden Name.
  • In case of Re-marriage, Certificate of Marriage with Current Spouse.
  • Sworn Affidavit from a Magistrate or High Court of Change of Name deposed to by Applicant.
  • Copy of Newspaper Publication of Change of Name (21 days after publication).
  • Statutory evidence of change of name (if resident outside Nigeria in lieu of iii and iv).
  • Passport Booklet and Copy of Data Page of Passport.
  • Acknowledgement Slip & Evidence of Payment.


  • Application Letter.
  • Certificate of Death of spouse from National Population Commission (NPC).
  • Evidence of Maiden Name.
  • In case of Re-marriage, Certificate of Marriage with Current Spouse.
  • Sworn Affidavit from a Magistrate or High Court of Change of Name deposed to by Applicant.
  • Copy of Newspaper Publication of Change of Name (21 days after publication).
  • Statutory evidence of change of name (if resident outside Nigeria in lieu of iii and iv).
  • Passport Booklet and Copy of Data Page of Passport.
  • Acknowledgement Slip & Evidence of Payment.


For changes due to Correction of Error(s)

  • Application Letter stating reason(s) for change.
  • If more than one [1] alphabet, attach evidence of payment of non-refundable Administrative Charge of N30,000.00 only.
  • Previous documentary evidences to support request.
  • Sworn Affidavit from a Magistrate or High Court of correction of error, deposed to by Applicant.
  • Passport Booklet and Copy of Data Page.
  • Acknowledgement Slip & Evidence of Payment of passport fees if application is approved.


This includes: Replacement of names, Addition of names, Deletion of names, Rearrangement of names.

  • Application Letter stating reasons for the request and attached with evidence of payment of non-refundable Administrative Charge of N30,000.00 only.
  • Previous documentary evidences to support request.
  • Sworn Affidavit from a Magistrate or High Court of Change of Name deposed to by Applicant with passport sized photograph attached.
  • Copy of Newspaper Publication of Change of name 21 days after the publication.
  • Passport Booklet and Copy of Data Page of passport.
  • Acknowledgement Slip & Evidence of Payment of passport fees if application is approved.

Passport application timelines

Read Requirements


Adult (18 years and above)

  • Letter of identification from Local Government/State of origin or residence or National Identity Card OR Letter of introduction for employees of government as a Nigerian citizen stating Service Number, Length of Service and Designation/Rank. The letter must be accompanied with a valid staff identity card.
  • Completed passport application form and 2 passport sized photographs (passport photographs endorsed at the back by the Guarantor).
  • Marriage certificate, where applicable.
  • Birth Certificate (certificate issued by the National Population Commission shall be required from applicants whose date of birth is with effect from Dec 1992) or Age Declaration attached with one passport-sized photograph and duly endorsed by a Commissioner for Oaths.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and Evidence of Payment.

Minor (under 18 years of age)

  • Completed passport application form attached with 1 passport sized photograph of minor to be endorsed on the reverse side by the consenting parent(s).
  • Evidence of Nigerian citizenship of parent(s).
  • Birth certificate (certificate must be issued by the National Population Commission for minors born within Nigeria).
  • Letter of consent from either parent.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and Evidence of Payment.

Court Order and Letter of approval from State Ministry of Women and Child Development (This Requirement is strictly for adopted child).


  • Certificate of Naturalization duly issued by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
  • Completed passport application form.
  • Marriage certificate where applicable.
  • Birth Certificate or data page of previous passport as evidence of age.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and evidence of payment.


  • Certificate of Registration duly issued by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
  • Completed passport application form and 2 passport sized photographs (passport photographs endorsed at the back by the Guarantor).
  • Completed Guarantors’ form duly signed by a Commissioner for Oaths attached with Photocopy of Data page of Guarantor’s Nigerian ePassport and one passport sized photograph of the Guarantor.
  • Marriage certificate where applicable.
  • Birth Certificate or data page of previous passport as evidence of age.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and evidence of payment.


Expired Validity

  • Application Letter.
  • Passport Booklet.
  • Photocopy of Data Page of Passport.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and Evidence of Payment.

Unexpired Validity

  • Application Letter.
  • Passport Booklet.
  • Evidence of Maiden Name.
  • If Validity is more than Six (6) Months, Applicant should state reason(s).
  • Photocopy of Data Page of Passport.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and Evidence of Payment.


  • Application Letter.
  • Passport Booklet.
  • Photocopies of Data Page.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and evidence of payment.


  • Application Letter stating circumstances of Damage.
  • Damaged Passport Booklet.
  • Photocopies of Data Page.
  • Sworn Affidavit from a Magistrate or High Court of damaged passport deposed to by applicant.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and evidence of payment.


  • Application Letter stating circumstances/place of loss.
  • Extract of Police Report of Lost Passport.
  • In case of loss due to fire outbreak, Fire Service Report is mandatory.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and evidence of payment.

*NB: Where a passport was declared lost and reissued, if recovered, the holder shall immediately notify the Nigeria Immigration Service of recovery and submit the passport for cancellation.



  • Application Letter.
  • Copy of Marriage Certificate or Declaration of Marriage.
  • Sworn Affidavit from a Magistrate or High Court of Change of Name deposed to by Applicant.
  • Copy of Newspaper Publication of Change of Name (21 days after publication).
  • Statutory evidence of change of name (if resident outside Nigeria in lieu of iii and iv).
  • Passport Booklet and Copy of Data Page of Passport.
  • Acknowledgement Slip & Evidence of Payment.


  • Application Letter.
  • Decree Nisi and Decree Absolute or Declaration of Divorce.
  • Evidence of Maiden Name.
  • In case of Re-marriage, Certificate of Marriage with Current Spouse.
  • Sworn Affidavit from a Magistrate or High Court of Change of Name deposed to by Applicant.
  • Copy of Newspaper Publication of Change of Name (21 days after publication).
  • Statutory evidence of change of name (if resident outside Nigeria in lieu of iii and iv).
  • Passport Booklet and Copy of Data Page of Passport.
  • Acknowledgement Slip & Evidence of Payment.


  • Application Letter.
  • Certificate of Death of spouse from National Population Commission (NPC).
  • Evidence of Maiden Name.
  • In case of Re-marriage, Certificate of Marriage with Current Spouse.
  • Sworn Affidavit from a Magistrate or High Court of Change of Name deposed to by Applicant.
  • Copy of Newspaper Publication of Change of Name (21 days after publication).
  • Statutory evidence of change of name (if resident outside Nigeria in lieu of iii and iv).
  • Passport Booklet and Copy of Data Page of Passport.
  • Acknowledgement Slip & Evidence of Payment.


For changes due to Correction of Error(s)

  • Application Letter stating reason(s) for change.
  • If more than one [1] alphabet, attach evidence of payment of non-refundable Administrative Charge of N30,000.00 only.
  • Previous documentary evidences to support request.
  • Sworn Affidavit from a Magistrate or High Court of correction of error, deposed to by Applicant.
  • Passport Booklet and Copy of Data Page.
  • Acknowledgement Slip & Evidence of Payment of passport fees if application is approved.


This includes: Replacement of names, Addition of names, Deletion of names, Rearrangement of names.

  • Application Letter stating reasons for the request and attached with evidence of payment of non-refundable Administrative Charge of N30,000.00 only.
  • Previous documentary evidences to support request.
  • Sworn Affidavit from a Magistrate or High Court of Change of Name deposed to by Applicant with passport sized photograph attached.
  • Copy of Newspaper Publication of Change of name 21 days after the publication.
  • Passport Booklet and Copy of Data Page of passport.
  • Acknowledgement Slip & Evidence of Payment of passport fees if application is approved.

Types of Passports

Read Requirements


Adult (18 years and above)

  • Letter of identification from Local Government/State of origin or residence or National Identity Card OR Letter of introduction for employees of government as a Nigerian citizen stating Service Number, Length of Service and Designation/Rank. The letter must be accompanied with a valid staff identity card.
  • Completed passport application form and 2 passport sized photographs (passport photographs endorsed at the back by the Guarantor).
  • Marriage certificate, where applicable.
  • Birth Certificate (certificate issued by the National Population Commission shall be required from applicants whose date of birth is with effect from Dec 1992) or Age Declaration attached with one passport-sized photograph and duly endorsed by a Commissioner for Oaths.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and Evidence of Payment.

Minor (under 18 years of age)

  • Completed passport application form attached with 1 passport sized photograph of minor to be endorsed on the reverse side by the consenting parent(s).
  • Evidence of Nigerian citizenship of parent(s).
  • Birth certificate (certificate must be issued by the National Population Commission for minors born within Nigeria).
  • Letter of consent from either parent.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and Evidence of Payment.

Court Order and Letter of approval from State Ministry of Women and Child Development (This Requirement is strictly for adopted child).


  • Certificate of Naturalization duly issued by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
  • Completed passport application form.
  • Marriage certificate where applicable.
  • Birth Certificate or data page of previous passport as evidence of age.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and evidence of payment.


  • Certificate of Registration duly issued by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
  • Completed passport application form and 2 passport sized photographs (passport photographs endorsed at the back by the Guarantor).
  • Completed Guarantors’ form duly signed by a Commissioner for Oaths attached with Photocopy of Data page of Guarantor’s Nigerian ePassport and one passport sized photograph of the Guarantor.
  • Marriage certificate where applicable.
  • Birth Certificate or data page of previous passport as evidence of age.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and evidence of payment.


Expired Validity

  • Application Letter.
  • Passport Booklet.
  • Photocopy of Data Page of Passport.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and Evidence of Payment.

Unexpired Validity

  • Application Letter.
  • Passport Booklet.
  • Evidence of Maiden Name.
  • If Validity is more than Six (6) Months, Applicant should state reason(s).
  • Photocopy of Data Page of Passport.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and Evidence of Payment.


  • Application Letter.
  • Passport Booklet.
  • Photocopies of Data Page.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and evidence of payment.


  • Application Letter stating circumstances of Damage.
  • Damaged Passport Booklet.
  • Photocopies of Data Page.
  • Sworn Affidavit from a Magistrate or High Court of damaged passport deposed to by applicant.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and evidence of payment.


  • Application Letter stating circumstances/place of loss.
  • Extract of Police Report of Lost Passport.
  • In case of loss due to fire outbreak, Fire Service Report is mandatory.
  • Acknowledgement Slip and evidence of payment.

*NB: Where a passport was declared lost and reissued, if recovered, the holder shall immediately notify the Nigeria Immigration Service of recovery and submit the passport for cancellation.



  • Application Letter.
  • Copy of Marriage Certificate or Declaration of Marriage.
  • Sworn Affidavit from a Magistrate or High Court of Change of Name deposed to by Applicant.
  • Copy of Newspaper Publication of Change of Name (21 days after publication).
  • Statutory evidence of change of name (if resident outside Nigeria in lieu of iii and iv).
  • Passport Booklet and Copy of Data Page of Passport.
  • Acknowledgement Slip & Evidence of Payment.


  • Application Letter.
  • Decree Nisi and Decree Absolute or Declaration of Divorce.
  • Evidence of Maiden Name.
  • In case of Re-marriage, Certificate of Marriage with Current Spouse.
  • Sworn Affidavit from a Magistrate or High Court of Change of Name deposed to by Applicant.
  • Copy of Newspaper Publication of Change of Name (21 days after publication).
  • Statutory evidence of change of name (if resident outside Nigeria in lieu of iii and iv).
  • Passport Booklet and Copy of Data Page of Passport.
  • Acknowledgement Slip & Evidence of Payment.


  • Application Letter.
  • Certificate of Death of spouse from National Population Commission (NPC).
  • Evidence of Maiden Name.
  • In case of Re-marriage, Certificate of Marriage with Current Spouse.
  • Sworn Affidavit from a Magistrate or High Court of Change of Name deposed to by Applicant.
  • Copy of Newspaper Publication of Change of Name (21 days after publication).
  • Statutory evidence of change of name (if resident outside Nigeria in lieu of iii and iv).
  • Passport Booklet and Copy of Data Page of Passport.
  • Acknowledgement Slip & Evidence of Payment.


For changes due to Correction of Error(s)

  • Application Letter stating reason(s) for change.
  • If more than one [1] alphabet, attach evidence of payment of non-refundable Administrative Charge of N30,000.00 only.
  • Previous documentary evidences to support request.
  • Sworn Affidavit from a Magistrate or High Court of correction of error, deposed to by Applicant.
  • Passport Booklet and Copy of Data Page.
  • Acknowledgement Slip & Evidence of Payment of passport fees if application is approved.


This includes: Replacement of names, Addition of names, Deletion of names, Rearrangement of names.

  • Application Letter stating reasons for the request and attached with evidence of payment of non-refundable Administrative Charge of N30,000.00 only.
  • Previous documentary evidences to support request.
  • Sworn Affidavit from a Magistrate or High Court of Change of Name deposed to by Applicant with passport sized photograph attached.
  • Copy of Newspaper Publication of Change of name 21 days after the publication.
  • Passport Booklet and Copy of Data Page of passport.
  • Acknowledgement Slip & Evidence of Payment of passport fees if application is approved.

About the Enhanced e-Passport

The Enhanced E-Passport is part of the new reforms approved by the Federal Government of Nigeria. It is a product of intensive review of the existing e-passport booklet which has been in circulation for over 10 years and has only 5-year validity.

Features and benefits of the Enhanced E-Passport Reforms

  1. Introduction of a new security enhanced passport.
  2. Polycarbonate technology that enhances the quality of the passport.
  3. Ten-year validity booklet that saves frequent visit to passport offices.
  4. Automation of issuance process to bring about transparency and address touting / middlemen.
  5. Strictly online payment based.
  6. Introduction of Electronic Document Management System that will ensure.
    • Tracking of application,
    • Effective communication with applicants on status of the application, and collection,
    • Eliminate human interference,
    • Enhances document storage system,
    • Enhances prompt decision making,
    • Ease process flow,
  7. Provision of conducive processing environment for applicants.
  8. Provision of effective and compliant address mechanism.


Nigerian Diplomats and other top Government Officials as may be approved by the President.


  1. Letter of application / introduction from the Applicant’s Organization.
  2. Two (2) passport photographs.
  3. Last promotion letter or Letter of Appointment.
  4. Photocopy of valid official identity card.
  5. Evidence of Age.
  6. Certificate of return from the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) (in the case of eligible Political Office holders).


  • Commissioners (members of the State Executive Council), Special Assistants and Special Advisors
  • Senior Government Officials in the rank of Deputy Directors and above in the Federal Civil Service
  • Senior Government Officials from the rank of Directors and above in the State Civil Service
  • Deputy General Managers and above in Federal and State Parastatals
  • Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Secretaries of Local Government Councils
  • Staff from the rank of Deputy Director and above in CBN and their equivalent in Federal owned Banks and allied institutions
  • Colonel and above in the Army and their equivalent in the Navy and Air force
  • ACP and above (NPF), ACSIO in DSS
  • AC and above in paramilitary Services
  • Vice and Deputy Vice Chancellors of Federal and State Universities and their equivalents in the Polytechnics and Colleges of Education
  • Immigration, Military and Police Officers on Peace keeping Missions
  • 1st Class Traditional Rulers / Chiefs
  • Senior Government Officials i.e., GL.08-14 on Official assignment abroad provided there is an SGF / SSG approval for such official trips


  1. Letter of application / introduction from the Applicant’s Organization.
  2. Two (2) passport photographs.
  3. Last promotion letter or Letter of Appointment.
  4. Photocopy of valid official identity card.
  5. Evidence of Age.
  6. Certificate of return from the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) or States Electoral Commission (SEC) (For Political office holders).